Halloween Time!
Halloween is soooo fun! One of my favorite times of the year. It's all about putting masks on to embody some other character.
What's really interesting is how uninhibited many of us become when we do put the masks on. Almost like when we're in disguise we give ourselves permission to unleash the truth hiding inside. We give reign to the wild and free within and break out of our self-made molds.
I say "YES." Who cares what people think! For that matter, who cares what YOU think about yourself? We're our own worst judges, are we not???
Putting on the masks can help us remember how to take them off.
Why not honor Halloween in a truly wicked way throughout the year and rip our masks off permanently to shine brightly, wildly, ghoulishly, beautifully all the time?! Whatever is there under the skin.
Expose yourself. Let people see the real you in all your splendor. Show off your warts witch! Save the day superhero! Let down your hair Rapunzel!
Be confident to be yourself everyday. You don't need a mask. You're perfect just as you are.